Class ParticleMeasure

  extended by endrov.data.EvContainer
      extended by endrov.data.EvObject
          extended by endrov.typeParticleMeasure.ParticleMeasure

public class ParticleMeasure
extends EvObject

Measurements of particles - identified regions in stacks. Designed to handle channels by lazy evaluation of each stack.
There is by design no connection of the ID of one frame to the next, this interpretation is done outside by the user.
This object can also be used as a quick property output for other things. In that case the frame and ID should be set to 0 unless there is a good reason for something else.
Output data can not normally be modified - a special filter could do it. Filters act by lazily rewriting one measure to another. TODO what about channel comparisons?

Nested Class Summary
static class ParticleMeasure.ColumnSet
          Data for one particle.
static class ParticleMeasure.Frame
          Information about one frame - Just a list of particles, with a lazy evaluator
static interface ParticleMeasure.ParticleFilter
          Filter of particle measure data TODO can use the same structure also for adding data!
static class ParticleMeasure.Well
          Information about one well
Field Summary
static FlowType FLOWTYPE
static java.lang.String metaType
          Static *
Fields inherited from class endrov.data.EvContainer
author, containerIcon, coreMetadataModified, dateCreate, dateLastModify, isGeneratedData, metaObject, ostBlobID
Constructor Summary
          Empty measure
Method Summary
 void addFrameColumn(java.lang.String s)
 void addParticleColumn(java.lang.String s)
 void addWellColumn(java.lang.String s)
 void buildMetamenu(javax.swing.JMenu menu, EvContainer parentObject)
          Attach menu entries specific for this type of object
 void clearData()
 EvObject cloneEvObject()
          Get a deep copy of the object, not including children
 ParticleMeasure filter(ParticleMeasure.ParticleFilter filter)
 java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String> getFrameColumns()
          Get which columns exist for each well/frame
 java.lang.String getMetaTypeDesc()
          Human readable name
 java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String> getParticleColumns()
          Get which columns exist for each particle
 ParticleMeasure.Well getWell(java.lang.String wellName)
          Get a well
 java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String> getWellColumns()
          Get which columns exist for each well
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getWellNames()
static void initPlugin()
          Plugin declaration
 void loadMetadata(org.jdom.Element e)
          Class: XML Reader and writer of this type of meta object *
 java.lang.String saveMetadata(org.jdom.Element e)
          Serialize object
 void setWell(java.lang.String wellName, ParticleMeasure.Well well)
          Set a well
Methods inherited from class endrov.data.EvObject
cloneEvObjectRecursive, cloneUsingSerialize, getContainerIcon
Methods inherited from class endrov.data.EvContainer
addMetaObject, getChild, getChildNames, getFreeChildName, getIdObjects, getIdObjectsRecursive, getMetaContainer, getMetaObject, getObjects, isMetadataModified, putChild, removeMetaObjectByValue, setMetadataModified, setMetadataNotModified
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String metaType
Static *

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final FlowType FLOWTYPE
Constructor Detail


public ParticleMeasure()
Empty measure

Method Detail


public ParticleMeasure.Well getWell(java.lang.String wellName)
Get a well


public void setWell(java.lang.String wellName,
                    ParticleMeasure.Well well)
Set a well


public java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String> getParticleColumns()
Get which columns exist for each particle


public java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String> getFrameColumns()
Get which columns exist for each well/frame


public java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String> getWellColumns()
Get which columns exist for each well


public void buildMetamenu(javax.swing.JMenu menu,
                          EvContainer parentObject)
Description copied from class: EvObject
Attach menu entries specific for this type of object

Specified by:
buildMetamenu in class EvObject
parentObject - TODO


public java.lang.String getMetaTypeDesc()
Description copied from class: EvObject
Human readable name

Specified by:
getMetaTypeDesc in class EvObject


public EvObject cloneEvObject()
Description copied from class: EvObject
Get a deep copy of the object, not including children

Specified by:
cloneEvObject in class EvObject


public void addFrameColumn(java.lang.String s)


public void addWellColumn(java.lang.String s)


public void addParticleColumn(java.lang.String s)


public ParticleMeasure filter(ParticleMeasure.ParticleFilter filter)


public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getWellNames()


public void clearData()


public void loadMetadata(org.jdom.Element e)
Class: XML Reader and writer of this type of meta object *

Specified by:
loadMetadata in class EvObject


public java.lang.String saveMetadata(org.jdom.Element e)
Description copied from class: EvObject
Serialize object

Specified by:
saveMetadata in class EvObject


public static void initPlugin()
Plugin declaration