Class ROI

  extended by endrov.data.EvContainer
      extended by endrov.data.EvObject
          extended by endrov.roi.ROI
Direct Known Subclasses:
BitmapROI, BoxROI, CompoundROI, EllipseROI, ROI2D

public abstract class ROI
extends EvObject

ROI (Region Of Interest), selects a region on channel X frames X x,y,z (5D)

Nested Class Summary
static interface ROI.Handle
          One handle for a ROI: marks a part of a ROI (in image window).
static class ROI.ROIType
          Class: Information about a ROI type *
static class ROI.SpanChannels
          Span class: channels *
static class ROI.SpanChannelsWidget
          Widget to edit channel span
static class ROI.SpanNumeric
          Span class: numeric *
static class ROI.SpanNumericWidget
          Widget to edit a numeric span
Field Summary
static SimpleObserver roiParamChanged
          Instance *
static SimpleObserver roiStructChanged
static SimpleObserver selectionChanged
Fields inherited from class endrov.data.EvContainer
author, containerIcon, coreMetadataModified, dateCreate, dateLastModify, isGeneratedData, metaObject, ostBlobID
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void addType(ROI.ROIType rt)
 void buildMetamenu(javax.swing.JMenu menu, EvContainer parentObject)
          Add options for ROI metaobject to metaobject menu
static void deleteSelected()
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,EvChannel> getChannelMap(EvContainer ob)
abstract  java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getChannels(EvContainer rec)
          Get which channels might be relevant
abstract  java.util.Set<EvDecimal> getFrames(EvContainer rec, java.lang.String channel)
          Get which frames might be relevant
abstract  ROI.Handle[] getHandles()
          Get handles for resizing ROI
abstract  LineIterator getLineIterator(ProgressHandle progh, EvStack stack, EvImagePlane im, java.lang.String channel, EvDecimal frame, double z)
          Get iterator over ROI
 java.lang.String getMetaTypeDesc()
          Description of this type of metadata.
abstract  ROI.Handle getPlacementHandle1()
          Get first handle to place, if ROI can be placed
abstract  ROI.Handle getPlacementHandle2()
          Get second handle to place, if ROI can be placed
abstract  java.lang.String getROIDesc()
          Description/short name for this type of ROI
abstract  javax.swing.JComponent getROIWidget()
          Get a widget to edit the parameters of this ROI
static java.util.Collection<ROI> getSelected()
static java.util.Collection<ROI.ROIType> getTypes()
abstract  boolean imageInRange(java.lang.String channel, EvDecimal frame, double z)
          Check if an image might be relevant?
abstract  void initPlacement(java.lang.String chan, EvDecimal frame, EvDecimal z)
          First called when placing ROI
static void initPlugin()
          Plugin declaration
static boolean isSelected(ROI roi)
 void openEditWindow()
          Open window allowing settings for ROI to be changed
abstract  boolean pointInRange(java.lang.String channel, EvDecimal frame, double x, double y, double z)
          Check if a given point (world coordinates) is in a ROI
static void setSelected(java.util.Collection<ROI> newsel)
Methods inherited from class endrov.data.EvObject
cloneEvObject, cloneEvObjectRecursive, cloneUsingSerialize, getContainerIcon, loadMetadata, saveMetadata
Methods inherited from class endrov.data.EvContainer
addMetaObject, getChild, getChildNames, getFreeChildName, getIdObjects, getIdObjectsRecursive, getMetaContainer, getMetaObject, getObjects, isMetadataModified, putChild, removeMetaObjectByValue, setMetadataModified, setMetadataNotModified
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final SimpleObserver selectionChanged


public static final SimpleObserver roiParamChanged
Instance *


public static final SimpleObserver roiStructChanged
Constructor Detail


public ROI()
Method Detail


public static java.util.Collection<ROI> getSelected()


public static boolean isSelected(ROI roi)


public static void setSelected(java.util.Collection<ROI> newsel)


public static void deleteSelected()


public static void addType(ROI.ROIType rt)


public static java.util.Collection<ROI.ROIType> getTypes()


public void buildMetamenu(javax.swing.JMenu menu,
                          EvContainer parentObject)
Add options for ROI metaobject to metaobject menu

Specified by:
buildMetamenu in class EvObject
parentObject - TODO


public void openEditWindow()
Open window allowing settings for ROI to be changed


public java.lang.String getMetaTypeDesc()
Description of this type of metadata. ROI's should implement getROIDesc instead to assure some sort of consistency in the descriptions

Specified by:
getMetaTypeDesc in class EvObject


public abstract java.lang.String getROIDesc()
Description/short name for this type of ROI


public abstract javax.swing.JComponent getROIWidget()
Get a widget to edit the parameters of this ROI


public abstract java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getChannels(EvContainer rec)
Get which channels might be relevant


public abstract java.util.Set<EvDecimal> getFrames(EvContainer rec,
                                                   java.lang.String channel)
Get which frames might be relevant


public abstract ROI.Handle[] getHandles()
Get handles for resizing ROI


public abstract ROI.Handle getPlacementHandle1()
Get first handle to place, if ROI can be placed


public abstract ROI.Handle getPlacementHandle2()
Get second handle to place, if ROI can be placed


public abstract void initPlacement(java.lang.String chan,
                                   EvDecimal frame,
                                   EvDecimal z)
First called when placing ROI


public abstract boolean imageInRange(java.lang.String channel,
                                     EvDecimal frame,
                                     double z)
Check if an image might be relevant?


public abstract LineIterator getLineIterator(ProgressHandle progh,
                                             EvStack stack,
                                             EvImagePlane im,
                                             java.lang.String channel,
                                             EvDecimal frame,
                                             double z)
Get iterator over ROI


public abstract boolean pointInRange(java.lang.String channel,
                                     EvDecimal frame,
                                     double x,
                                     double y,
                                     double z)
Check if a given point (world coordinates) is in a ROI


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,EvChannel> getChannelMap(EvContainer ob)


public static void initPlugin()
Plugin declaration